Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Rise Above +
I've heard that kids can be cruel, but I never knew it could ever reach this point. 11 year old Carl Walker hung himself in April of 2009 because kids at school were bullying him, constantly saying gay comments about Walker. The mother has pleaded with the school to put a stop to this for over six months, but unfortunately not much was done. Kids at school would tell him "You're gay, you have to be gay. You act like a girl". Carl knew exactly who was taunting him, but he didn't want to give up the names because he was afraid he'd be labeled as a a rat, or a snitch. Even after the struggles that his mom (Sirdeaner Walker) has been through throughout her life, nothing compares to watch she went through with losing her son.
Teasing, making fun of one another, bullying, and the name calling isn't right. Even adults are victims of bullying, and sometimes don't know what to do just like how Carl Walker didn't want to mention any names. Words are as hurtful as a punch or a kick. It sickens me, it even gives me goosebumps to read such a story. This young boy ended his life because some kids were constantly picking on him, and the saddest part is the fact that he was so young, he didn't even start really living yet. Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 years old, also committed suicide for the same reason Carl Walker took his life. Rodemeyers bullying went on for years, and intensified in middle school. Another victim was Seth Walsh who took his life because he was being bullied because of sexuality. Thats when they approved Seth's Law in California which updates anti harassment and anti-discrimination policies, but this should be passed worldwide. Kids are constantly being bullied EVERYWHERE. I wouldn't call myself a victim of bullying, but in middle school I was teased and made fun, not because of sexuality, but just because of how I looked. So I kind of know what these children went through, and its heartbreaking. Anyone can stop bullying, even if your not the one who's doing it. If you know someone who has a tendency to pass snide or mean comments, talk to them. Words hurt, people think its harmless, but its words that lead these kids to their death. Even Lady Gaga is against bullying, and even paid tribute at the iHeart radio concert by dedicating her song "Hair" to Rodemeyer. She even wants to talk to President Obama to try and make bullying is a crime, which I think is in fact a good idea because words were the main cause of these deaths. Bullying isn't OK! People should learn to be better then that, and maybe we would all get along a little better.

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