Tuesday, November 29, 2011

OWS: Are people making any affect? I dont think so..

Since September 17Th, members of society have been protesting against politics, the government and have been voicing there opinion on the economies current situation. Protesters say they represent the 99 percent of the population that isn't wealthy, which is a shy one percent away from being 100%, which is pretty scary. These people chose to put there lives on hold to camp out in Zucotti park trying to send a message to the government, but it seems to me that they haven't been heard. Also, Obama has spoken about the issue (video below) and he's said that he wants a consumer watchdog, hes wants businesses and other money resources to change how they function, and they should be fair with peoples money.

And i think its a good idea to protest and to present to people with power what were going through and how we feel about the situation. But i think some people have been abusing the protesting "ways". I've seen stories on protesters going crazy in the streets, not acting in a proper manner, which causes law enforcement to come in and take control of the crowd. This protest is probably exactly what we need so that the government can think seriously on how to fix this problem. But if people can be in control, what message are we sending really? The government knows that society is frustrated because of the status of the economy, but the people need to protest in a well manner so no laws are being broken, and so that we can send a clear message so things can change. This protest has caused a world wide wake up call, and everyone sees the problem, but to seek change, i think everyone should go about it in a better more civilized manner.

Another issue concerning the Occupy Wall Street movement is the police. Police duties are to deter crime, crowd control, and to punish anyone who is breaking the law. With OWS protesters, law enforcement has been working overtime to try and keep everything under control. According to ABC news, New York City alone has spent over 6 billion dollars on costs related to Occupy Wall Street. Everyone on Wall Street is complaining that there's no money, jobs, or whatever it is that they're fighting for to change, yet they're contributing to the problem as well, making law enforcement do more than what they should. I do support occupy wall street because I'm not that 1% of wealthy people, i am also part of the 99%. I still don't know the exact message, but i do know that society is frustrated because of the economy. If they went about it in a more civilized manner, a more orderly manner, maybe they're message can be clearly understood and some change can come about, because i haven't seen or heard of any change yet.

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